Vesta Blog

Vesta’s blog provides valuable financial insights, solutions to common problems, and access to up-to-date information on tax laws and financial regulations, ultimately helping them make informed decisions and manage their finances more effectively. Additionally, it can foster trust and a stronger client-advisor relationship while offering practical resources and access to the firm’s expertise.

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Evolution and importance of coaching

The Evolution & Importance of Coaching

Business coaching has roots that go back to the Greek philosopher Socrates. The “Socratic Method” of using questions to help others think clearly remains a staple of modern-day coaching. As business became more mechanized and complex in the 20th century, interest grew in learning the “secrets” of business success. Researchers

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Business Budget Basics

Six Business Budget Basics to Keep You on Track

You’ve created a budget and stuck to it for months, but an unforeseen expense threw a wrench in your plan. What do you do now? We’ve all heard of broken budgets that get thrown aside the instant they get off track. Even though all hope may seem lost, it is

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Male with pen

Addressing the Fear of Audit

What do most people think of when they consider the word audit? In our experience, the word primarily induces fear. After all, who wants to hear that they are being audited? In the business accounting world, an audit can conjure up feelings of anxiety because someone might check your work,

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Office setting

Five Ways to Calm the Storm of Tax Season

As tax season approaches, Vesta can sense your fears starting to build – the sweat on your brow starts to take shape and you begin to have flashbacks to high school sitting across the desk from Mr. Strickland’s crisp bowtie! As you sit waiting for your turn to head in

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happy senior couple holding small home model

9 Estate Planning Must-Haves

We know you love your family and there’s nothing you wouldn’t do to help them. One of the best things you can do to secure their future financial safety is to tackle estate-planning! Your loved ones (heirs) will thank you for not having a legal mess to sort out! At

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How to choose between a will and revocable trust

How to Choose Between a Will and a Revocable Trust

When discussing estate planning for individuals, most have heard the terms “will” and “trust,” but not everyone knows the differences between the two. Both are useful estate planning devices that serve different purposes, and both can work together to create a complete estate plan. Both legal documents allow you to

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Secure your future planning

Secure Your Future, Review Your Estate Plan

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (the TCJA) included a substantial increase in the federal estate tax exclusion. The relatively new tax law is even more reason to review any estate planning you have done. However, it is important not to simply undo prior planning, as many aspects

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Estate planning

Estate Planning – Securing Your Family’s Future

An estate consists of everything a person owns, including a home, vehicle(s), additional real estate, bank accounts, stocks, and life insurance. It also accounts for valuable personal possessions like furniture, jewelry, and artwork. Almost every individual has an estate. However, no matter how large or how small your estate is,

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Five Top Focus Areas for Business Success

Business is more complex today than ever, with lots of moving parts and pieces that require management attention. In small and mid-sized businesses, owners or leaders don’t often have experts in all the functional areas, so they are forced to wear all the hats. Yet, no one can be knowledgeable

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Co workers looking at a computer and writing notes

The Recipe to Success

In 2011, a small and medium-sized business survey was conducted by E-Myth and Synotac that revealed fascinating statistics concerning how growth and development of a business are related to Planning. The survey was entitled “State of the Business Owner” and was conducted with 800 business owners from around the world

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