Vesta Blog

Vesta’s blog provides valuable financial insights, solutions to common problems, and access to up-to-date information on tax laws and financial regulations, ultimately helping them make informed decisions and manage their finances more effectively. Additionally, it can foster trust and a stronger client-advisor relationship while offering practical resources and access to the firm’s expertise.

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Smiling and Shaking Hands

Enjoy the Fruits of Your Labor with Planning

If you are a small business owner, a time will come when you’ll find yourself ready to exit or sell your business. You’ve probably thought about the possibility in some capacity already. But there are a few questions you need to ask yourself before you start fielding offers from potential

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Shaking hands

Managing Employee Benefit Plans and Audits

One of the administrative requirements of Employee Benefit Plans (EBP) that is not widely discussed is the necessity of annual audits for plans with more than 100 participants (as a general rule). Though mandatory, these audits can actually produce important benefits for the plan and its sponsor or administrator. The

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Co workers Reviewing Documents

Putting Plans Into Action

At Vesta, our accounting firm puts a strong emphasis on the importance and benefits of Strategic Planning. Our expertise has proven time and time again that developing Strategic Plans leads to prosperity in a lot more than just profits, but in the overall financial health and longevity of a business.

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Planning for retirement

Planning For Retirement

It’s too common these days to see seniors of retirement age still working part or full-time; not because they want to, but because they HAVE to. The traditional retirement age of 65 has been pushed further back due to years of economic uncertainty and downfall. Now, more seniors are working

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Vesta employees meeting and collaborating

Building a Strategy for Success

The best way to find success is to PLAN for success! Whether your business just had a record sales year or if you’re just “above water,” the beginning of the fiscal year is the best time to develop a Strategic Plan. Many businesses owners attempt to start new projects or

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