Staying Up To Date On Tax Law

Staying Up to Date on Tax Law

Tax laws are a changing facet of accounting. New rules and regulations happen frequently. New clients sometimes say, “my former accountant never told me that.” In those cases, they probably didn’t realize the new regulations changed and may have offered taxpayers new opportunities.

You expect what you pay to get your taxes compiled should give you the most up-to-date knowledge of the rules, right? At Vesta, we keep our tax experts up to date on all aspects of change to ensure our clients’ accounts are always compliant.

The State of Wisconsin requires CPAs to complete 80 hours of Continued Professional Education (CPE) every two years. WICPA members have the additional stipulation of achieving a minimum of 20 hours of CPE annually. At Vesta, our policy requires all professional staff (whether they’re a CPA or not) to complete 40 hours of CPE annually. CPE keeps our team updated on any tax laws and requirements changes.

CPE helps to broaden our firm’s overall expertise as a reliable tax assistance provider. Our firm’s size allows us to send our professionals to CPE events that cover a broad range of topics. Vesta’s tax professionals also attend various seminars, conferences, and webinars throughout the state and country, actively seeking education and instruction from top authorities. This initiative turns our advisors into subject-matter experts and allows them to come back and share their knowledge with their colleagues.

Armed with the most up-to-date information, Vesta tax professionals can do a better job of helping you with tax planning. Our planning meetings with clients often address the strategies they might employ to save or defer taxes. Some clients feel our tax planning discussions are the most valuable part of their relationship with us. Many new clients express frustration at never having those discussions with their former accountants.

The benefits of this unique Vesta initiative translate directly to our clients. Our professionals attend CPE with our clients in mind, noting which updates affect their accounts and what advantages or planning strategies our firm can enact in light of what they’ve learned.

By choosing Vesta as a trusted tax partner, our clients can guarantee their accounts are up to date and compliant. Our tax advisors enjoy attending CPE events and return with additional knowledge. Our team is consistently ahead of the curve of tax law changes and can ensure our clients’ accounts are compliant. It’s why Vesta is your trusted tax partner!

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